MANAUS - AMAZONAS, BRAZIL – The Federal Police (PF) carried out 'Operation Goldsmiths' on the morning of this Wednesday (19), which investigates the actions of a group formed by militiamen responsible for the commercialization of gold extracted illegally in clandestine mines in the Legal Amazon.
In total, two search and seizure warrants were served in Manaus, which mobilized 17 agents.
The list of seized goods was not disclosed.
According to the PF, the criminals recruited goldsmiths to trade the ore extracted from illegal mines.
Also according to the investigations, the group had the help of state public security agents to transport the gold by boat, truck and aircraft.
According to the agency, state agents also supplied the illegal gold and coordinated its distribution with intermediaries, including goldsmiths and businessmen.
The criminal organization had front companies to launder the illicit money, operating in Amazonas and Roraima.
The Public Security Secretariat (SSP) reported that it is collaborating with the investigations and reaffirmed its commitment to transparency and compliance with the law, not condoning any illegal acts by its agents.
The criminal acts occurred in the municipalities of Humaitá, Japurá and São Gabriel da Cachoeira, all in the interior of Amazonas.
Those involved may be held liable for the crimes of usurpation of federal assets, embezzlement, formation of a militia, criminal organization, among other related crimes.
Image credits: Federal Police (PF)
Source: Amazon Agency