Located at kilometer 5 of the Caldeirão branch, which connects to the Manuel Urbano Highway (AM-070), in the municipality of Iranduba, the Santa Rosa farm, in addition to plantations and animal breeding, also operates in rural tourism.
The Santa Rosa Farm has 117 hectares where several projects are developed.
One of the highlights is the mini-farm, where visitors, especially children, can interact with the animals.
At the farm, visitors also receive lessons on how to respect the nataruza.
The tour is carried out on a structure pulled by a tractor where visitors get to know all the points of the farm.
The site is a regional reference in the production of citrus fruits and fish farming, which supply fairs, markets, supermarkets and hotels in the capital of Amazonas.
Since 2018, Santa Rosa has expanded its business to rural tourism and agroecological education.
The Santa Rosa farm is part of the Bela Vista PIC (Integrated Colonization Project), coordinated by INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform).
The region is home to families settled in an area of approximately 785 thousand hectares, occupied since 1971.
Fuente: Agencia Amazon