American ship to dredge the Amazon River
The goal will be to improve navigation and ensure the continuous flow of supplies to…
The goal will be to improve navigation and ensure the continuous flow of supplies to…
Historian says that the vessel is a North American construction for navigation in shallow beds.
The victim's body was charred after the accident on BR-364, in Rondônia.
The electric shock that caused the death of the animals occurred on Sunday (13), during…
The drought and the lack of ferries to cross sections of the highway that connects…
The foundation is working on identifying it in order to combat a possible entry of…
A video shows the snake swallowing a rat near a park in the city of…
Indigenous communities become isolated after river dries up in Rondônia
Rescue teams are working at the Terra Preta Port in the municipality of Manacapuru, where…
In three cities, the current leaders were reelected to office and in two others there…