Source of the Amazon River feels effects of climate change
Nevado Mismi in the Andes is suffering from the consequences of global warming.
Nevado Mismi in the Andes is suffering from the consequences of global warming.
A video recording shows the suspects removing dead pacas from a boat.
Imazon data indicates a reduction in deforestation, but fire outbreaks have increased, says Inpe
The Cessna aircraft had capacity for four, but was carrying almost twice as many passengers…
Decision aims to combat the effects of the drought and guarantee water supply in the…
Federal Police carry out action on the Mamuru River near the city of Parintins, in…
This year's event takes place on 28, 29 and 30 June on Tupinambarana Island
Despite the drop, the Civil Defence warns that rivers in the region are likely to…
Instability in the water supply service was caused by the drought in Roraima's rivers
The state also recognises an outbreak of Oropouche fever, with more than 2,000 cases, according…