The Chamber of Deputies approved, this Tuesday (17), the main text of the regulation of the tax reform, with 324 votes in favor and 123 against.
The Complementary Bill (PLP) 68/2024 now goes to the President for sanction and preserves the tax advantages of the Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM).
The proposal ensures the exemption of the Contribution on Goods and Services (CBS) on internal trade in the industrial hub of Manaus.
The PLP maintains the presumed credit of the Tax on Goods and Services (IBS), without the limitation previously provided for.
The Amazonas bench voted unanimously in favor of the proposal, after adjustments in the Senate that guaranteed the maintenance of the tax benefits of the ZFM.
The bill contains 25 specific articles on the Manaus Free Trade Zone and the free trade zones of the Amazon.
The changes to the text were made to ensure the preservation of tax incentives for the region's industries.
In addition, it maintained the advantages for retail trade, which are essential for maintaining jobs and the operation of stores in the state.
An important change in the approved text was the inclusion of tax incentives for oil refining in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, with the exclusive purpose of supplying the city.
The proposal was maintained in the Chamber, despite criticism from oil sector entities regarding the favoritism shown to the private group that purchased the Petrobras refinery in Manaus.
The Amazonas will also have the reinclusion of sugary drinks in the Selective Tax (IS).
With the approval of PLP 68/2024, the favorable tax conditions for the Manaus Free Trade Zone are maintained, which guarantees the region's competitiveness, which is essential for its economy.
In the Senate, Senator Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM) was chosen to report on the bill and managed to reverse the points against the Manaus Industrial Hub.
The text also introduced an innovation to the model: a 50% reduction in taxation on imports for domestic consumption in the Free Trade Zone and free trade areas.
Fuente: Agencia Amazon