The Internal Affairs Division of the Amazonas Court of Justice is investigating a complaint that police officers from Acre are involved in agrarian conflicts in the Palotina farm area, in the city of Lábrea, south of Amazonas. Around 200 families occupy the site, which is located close to the border with the state of Acre. According to the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), the area occupied by the farm is estimated at 40 thousand hectares and there have been several conflicts and land grabbing. There are reports of torture, assaults and threats from farm security guards and police officers in the settlement. According to the TJ-AM Internal Affairs, at the end of March this year, police officers from Acre were present at a repossession at the Palotina farm to remove the families. The order ended up being suspended because the Amazonas court understood that the case falls under the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary. At the Lábrea registry office, irregularities were found with the documentation and registration of the property. Incra stated that the place where the settlement is located belongs to the union. The lawyer for Sidnei Zamora, supposed owner of the farm, presented documents from Incra, which according to him, attest that the Palotina Farm, including the conflict area, belongs to his client. He also says that he is unaware of conflicts in the region and that there are no police officers among the farm's employees. The Court of Justina do Amazonas (TJAM) ordered the removal of the head of the Lábrea registry office for 90 days and appointed an intervenor to investigate a possible omission in relation to the farm's documentation. TJAM forwarded videos of Acre police officers on the farm and complaints from residents of the settlement to the Federal Public Ministry and the Internal Affairs Offices of the Military Police of Amazonas and Acre, for investigation of the case.

Fuente: Agencia Amazon


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