A company in the state of Amapá is producing wine from açaí, a fruit that is very abundant in the Amazon. The idea is to use the raw material to generate income through sustainability. The labels were also created using recyclable material and are named after tourist attractions in the state. The wines have received over 70 per cent approval from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa. Sales have already begun and are even gaining international favour. Red açaí has an acidity comparable to red wine, with a "ph" that varies from 3.3. The alcohol content of the drink is 12 per cent, but for this to happen, it needs to go through a fermentation process of at least 20 days. To produce and ferment açaí, it needs to be kept in vats or barrels of up to 300 litres, including the fruit's pulp, water, sucrose and yeast, which is responsible for the flavour, colour and aroma.
Source: Amazon Agency