The Special Action Group to Combat Organised Crime (Gaeco), of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Amapá (MP-AP), served nine search and seizure warrants on the morning of 28 July 2023, during operation 'False Friend', which investigates members of a criminal organisation responsible for the execution of rivals in the municipality of Santana, 17 kilometres from the capital, Macapá.
According to the information released, the orders for committing the crimes came from within the Amapá Penitentiary Administration Institute (Iapen), also a target of the operation.
In addition to the state prison, the court orders were served in the Ambrósio community, Santana Island and Hospitality neighbourhood.
Inside Iapen, a hole was found - dug inside one of the cells - more than 2 metres deep and where the police found a large volume of artisanal drink (biricutico).
In addition, mobile phones and drugs were seized. The investigations reveal that the targets of the operation received orders from inside the public prison to eliminate rivals from other criminal organisations in the dispute over territories where drugs were sold. This war ended up killing several innocent people who had no connection with the factions.
Source: Amazon Agency