CensipamHomeExploreCensipam Filters filter_list Filter Type Audio Text Video rotate_right cancel Close More filters Filter Type Audio Text Video rotate_right cancel rotate_right person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 08-07-24 arrow_downward bookmark Emergency for 180 days in Rondonia due to droughtThe government of Rondônia published a decree declaring an emergency due to the 'critical' period… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 07-06-24 arrow_downward bookmark Severe drought warning for Rondonia in 2024The Amazon Protection System Management and Operational Center (Censipam) predicts a strong drought this year… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 18-03-24 arrow_downward bookmark Fight against illegal logging in AmazonasBetween 10 and 16 March, Federal Police agents carried out an operation to prevent and… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 01-03-24 arrow_downward bookmark River Acre above the quota in the capitalThe level of the River Acre reached 17.28 metres in the Acre capital at 9am… Nothing else to load rotate_right