turtleHomeExploreturtle Filters filter_list Filter Type Audio Photos Text Video rotate_right cancel Close More filters Filter Type Audio Photos Text Video rotate_right cancel rotate_right person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 14-02-25 arrow_downward bookmark Project places almost five thousand baby chelonians in the wildMANAUS-AMAZONAS, BRAZIL - The releases took place between February 6 and 7. On the first… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 30-01-25 arrow_downward bookmark Amazon turtle spawning cycle 4The Guaporé Valley, on the border between Brazil and Bolivia, is one of the Amazon… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 30-01-25 arrow_downward bookmark Amazon turtle spawning cycle 3The Guaporé Valley, on the border between Brazil and Bolivia, is one of the Amazon… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 30-01-25 arrow_downward bookmark Amazon turtle spawning cycle 2The Guaporé Valley, on the border between Brazil and Bolivia, is one of the Amazon… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 30-01-25 arrow_downward bookmark Amazon turtle spawning cycle 1The Guaporé Valley, on the border between Brazil and Bolivia, is one of the Amazon… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 28-01-25 arrow_downward bookmark Turtles lay their eggs in the waters of the AmazonGuaporé Valley, on the border between Brazil and Bolivia. The region is eight hundred kilometers… Nothing else to load rotate_right