A bird of the Passeriformes order, from the Icteridae family. A well-known species in the north and centre of the country. Also known as japiim-xexéu, japim, japuíra, joão-conguinho, xexéu-de-bananeira or papa-banana (Northeast) and xexéu. The song is so varied that it sometimes gives the impression of a choir of several birds. It is common for individuals to perfectly imitate birds (e.g. toucans, parrots) and mammals (e.g. giant otters). Omnivorous, it feeds mainly on fruit and seeds. It occasionally plunders other birds' nests. It has a predilection for mangoes (Mangifera indica), frequenting urban mango groves frequently and in large groups. It is present throughout the Amazon, extending as far south as Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo.
Source: Amazon Agency