The pirarucu was apprehended by the Environmental Police Battalion (BPA) at an illegal camp near the Jirau Hydroelectric Power Plant in Nova Mutum-Paraná, a district of Porto Velho, the capital of the state of Rondônia. The fishermen who were there had violated the closed season. According to the Environmental Police, several prohibited items of equipment were also found at the site, such as outboard motors, jigs and reels. In addition to a freezer and two coolers with more than 1,200kg of pirarucu, many of them under the minimum size allowed, and other species of fish. All the material was apprehended due to violations of environmental legislation, which prohibits fishing and trade in pirarucu during the closed season. The apprehended fish were donated to a charity that cares for abandoned children and to a local church, according to the Environmental Police.
Source: Amazon Agency