The introduction of buffalo into Roraima's pastures is relatively recent. There are records of breeding in the municipalities of Mucajaí, Iracema and Rorainópolis. The animals are used for meat, milk and cheese production. On this farm there are 100 head, a new activity that is the cattle farmer's bet. Contrary to what many people think, the animals, when well managed, have an extremely docile temperament, which facilitates the activity. If reared in confinement, buffalo have production gains at the same rates as cattle. However, if subjected to a high grazing load, buffalo tend to have a better carcass yield, providing a better return for the farmer. The milk produced by buffaloes is used to make cheese, the famous buffalo mozzarella, which is whiter in colour than cheese made from cow's milk. However, it has a higher fat content and is therefore more calorific than cow's milk. However, this characteristic makes the cheese even softer and more flavoursome. That's why it's so sought after on the market.
Source: Amazon Agency