Amazonas TheatreHomeExploreAmazonas Theatre Filters filter_list Filter Type Audio Text Video rotate_right cancel Close More filters Filter Type Audio Text Video rotate_right cancel rotate_right person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 28-05-24 arrow_downward bookmark Inter American Court of Human Rights holds debate in ManausThe event is being held at Teatro Amazonas, in Manaus. The International Court of Human… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 28-05-24 arrow_downward bookmark Inter American Court of Human Rights holds debate in Manaus 2The event is being held at Teatro Amazonas, in Manaus. The International Court of Human… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 15-12-23 arrow_downward bookmark Theatres as world heritage sitesThe launch of the campaign to make the Amazonas Theatre a UNESCO World Heritage Site… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 15-12-23 arrow_downward bookmark Amazonas Theatre World Heritage SiteThe launch of the campaign to make the theatre a UNESCO World Heritage Site began… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 14-08-23 arrow_downward bookmark Amazonas Green Jazz Festival 2023 – part 1This year's edition of the Amazonas Green Jazz Festival, entitled "Ella's", paid tribute to the… Nothing else to load rotate_right