The event is being held at Teatro Amazonas, in Manaus.
The International Court of Human Rights (IHR Court) is one of the three regional courts of protection, together with the European Court and the African Court.
The objective of the meeting is to discuss how climate change affects people's rights, especially the most vulnerable population.
For three days the Court will hear from organizations that help indigenous women, children and adolescents to understand how climate change is harming these people.
One of the discussions is that the climate crisis could harm the vulnerable population in Amazonas in several ways.
Especially during periods of intense drought, such as lack of drinking water, diseases related to poor hygiene and malnutrition, in addition to a possible increase in poverty.
The event should end this Wednesday (29).
An advisory opinion will be prepared by the end of the year.
In case of violations of the American Convention on Human Rights, national courts are obliged to use the Court's advisory opinions to interpret the convention.
The meeting will also discuss the role of each country involved in the climate phenomena generated by global warming.
Source: Amazon Agency