indigenousHomeExploreindigenous Filters filter_list Filter Type Audio Photos Text Video rotate_right cancel Close More filters Filter Type Audio Photos Text Video rotate_right cancel rotate_right person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 19-02-25 arrow_downward bookmark Isolated indigenous person makes contact with riverside communityMANAUS-AMAZONAS, BRAZIL - The contact occurred on Wednesday night (12), in a riverside community on… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 14-02-25 arrow_downward bookmark Military rescues indigenous people after boat sinksMANAUS-AMAZONAS, BRAZIL - A video shows indigenous people trying to remove water from inside the… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 04-02-25 arrow_downward bookmark Yanomamis still fear the return of miners to indigenous landAn indigenous monitoring group has set up a base on the banks of the Uraricoera… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 26-11-24 arrow_downward bookmark Indigenous people must be compensated for lands flooded by hydroelectric power plantThe Federal Court ruled, this Monday (25), that the Union, the National Indian Foundation (Funai)… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 22-11-24 arrow_downward bookmark The Yanomami people hold a sacred meeting of shamansThe ritual considered sacred by the Yanomami people had not taken place for 12 years.… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 09-10-24 arrow_downward bookmark Indigenous communities become isolated after river dries up in RondoniaThe Pacaás River in Rondônia has dried up and left at least 10 indigenous communities… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 14-06-24 arrow_downward bookmark 3-year-old indigenous person dies in fire in AmazonasA child from the Ticuna ethnic group, just 3 years old, burned to death during… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 28-05-24 arrow_downward bookmark Inter American Court of Human Rights holds debate in ManausThe event is being held at Teatro Amazonas, in Manaus. The International Court of Human… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 28-05-24 arrow_downward bookmark Inter American Court of Human Rights holds debate in Manaus 2The event is being held at Teatro Amazonas, in Manaus. The International Court of Human… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 25-05-24 arrow_downward bookmark Craft entrepreneurs 2Products extracted from the Amazon forest by sustainability entrepreneurs, such as those who work with… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 24-05-24 arrow_downward bookmark Craft entrepreneursProducts extracted from the Amazon forest by sustainability entrepreneurs, such as those who work with… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 29-04-24 arrow_downward bookmark Amazonas records more than 13 thousand cases of malaria in the first quarter of 2024Amazonas recorded 13,170 cases of malaria in the first quarter of 2024. Manaus has 1,796… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 26-04-24 arrow_downward bookmark Action seizes wood extracted from indigenous lands in RondoniaThe Federal Police arrested two people red-handed during an operation to combat the illegal trade… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 16-04-24 arrow_downward bookmark Health professionals provide care to isolated indigenous people in AmazonasTo reach indigenous communities it is necessary to face many challenges through rivers and the… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 15-04-24 arrow_downward bookmark Isolated indigenous people in northwestern Amazonas receive medical care 3To reach indigenous communities it is necessary to face many challenges through rivers and the… person By Alexandre Almeida Created on 15-04-24 arrow_downward bookmark Isolated indigenous people in northwestern Amazonas receive medical care 2To reach indigenous communities it is necessary to face many challenges through rivers and the… Load more rotate_right