Researchers from the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research of the state of Amapá (Iep), collected samples from the sperm whale calf found dead last Friday (26), on Goiabal beach, in the municipality of Calçoene. The information can help identify the cause of the animal's death. Scientifically, this species of whale belongs to the dolphin family. The dead calf that ran aground on the coast of Amapá measured 4.60 meters and was considered a newborn by Iepa researchers. Samples of stomach contents and genetics were collected for studies on the species. The bones will also be collected by a team from the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) in another opportunity, also, for study. The objective is to find the genetic group and carry out a biogeographical mapping of the species across the globe.
Source: Amazon Agency